Recently in a meeting with a prospective client, I made the comment, “can I be honest with you?” Once I said it and realized what I had said, I followed that up with letting them know I was already being honest and I would continue to be honest with them. […]
I share the story often of how I finally decided to open my own business – Financial Focus. For years I had wanted to start something I could call my own, but I way to much to do that. I had a wife, three children, a mortgage and a HUGE […]
I have been reading a great book by Dr. Thomas J. Stanley. He is most known for his book The Millionaire Next Door. This latest book, or the latest one I have read from him is entitled Stop Acting Rich. Very statistically he points out the differences from those are are […]
This week released study numbers via Twitter that many have know for sometime – very few have an adequate emergency fund. In their tweet they shared that only 24% of American homes have a true emergency fund to protect them if financial storms hit. In that tweet t
One thing I encourage people to do regularly is review their credit report. Over the last few weeks I have asked several people if they have recently reviewed their report and I received the following reply back from everyone one of them- “yes, my score is…”. I proce
We are all confronted with issues in this modern tech age we live in. While some would not call a debit card a “tech” tool, there are many using technology to get what they want from that card and, more directly, from your account. This little email blurb was sent [&hell
The event of the last few days in Washington, DC has really highlighted the message of this book by Dr. Lee. Many can see that more and more of our liberties are being taken away by our government. Scandals from the IRS to surveillance of media organizations to deliberate attempts [&
Many of you have responded to the email I sent last week for my client and friend David. Thank you for helping. If you have not responded and wish to there is still time. The address again is: Financial Focus ATTN: David 202 Canton Road, STE 209 Cumming, GA 30040 […]
Spring, I believe, has finally sprung! Winter, while not real cold where I live, has hung on longer than normal. Many ladies are now looking at this time of year to do the annual spring cleaning – hitting the baseboards, interior and exterior windows, carpet cleaning, etc. Me