Have you looked at the calendar recently? We are in the final trimester of this year. Eight months ago you never thought it would be here so soon, but we are in the final stretch of this year. Now is the time to “peruse” those goals you set, check off […]
We live in a world where everyone wants to get in and mess up your computer. You may not have anything of any value to you, but hackers will try their best to get in and mess up your computer, try to establish a virus type program, or may monitor […]
The survey says…. Over the past week, I conducted another survey of 100 former clients, at random, to see how people are progressing towards the path of being financially free. My intention was to see if former clients are making progress. People responded, confidentially, at
This past Sunday a young man brought a message at my church that was entitled, The Reality of Regrets. In a humorous, yet very serious way, he shared what many have suffered as a result of regrets. Today, I was listening to the radio as I pulled into the parking […]
A couple of weeks ago, I wrote about the recent survey I had taken from people I had met through our free consultation. You can see that post here. That survey showed me some things that needed to change at Financial Focus as I focus to help as many people […]
Most successful business leaders will tell you that you must truly understand what your client(s) want to successful in giving them what they want. The one big exception would likely be Steve Jobs and the creative technical products that most of did not know we wanted until he made
Several years ago, I met and helped a guy named Herman Cain. Herman was running for the US Senate from Georgia and I helped his campaign in my county. Herman Cain went on to be a 2012 Presidential candidate and today is a syndicated talk show host. I am not […]
Last week I had the opportunity to get out of my office and spend a good chunk of the week with other coaches who have the desire to help people better their money wellness. Meeting in St Louis, I was invited to be part of a group of successful coaches […]
Meeting with a new client this week and I let a secret out. In sharing my secret, my client agreed with me when I shared that I hate math!! When she reads this, she will know who she is. Managing your finances is not all math. In fact, it’s very […]