Are you not amazed at how fast this year is passing us by? It seems like yesterday that you finalized those goals you set for this new year. Now, getting closer to the halfway mark, have you slowed down to assess how are you progressing? What has changed? You know, nothing changes until something changes.
We all have different goals while similar in nature. Everyone wants to lose a few pound, work less hours, write the book, pay off some debts – but what have you done to this point to, at least, be on track for this year. Has anything changed?
Late last year I heard a statistic that 25% of all goals are abandoned within one week of setting them. From there is gets worse. Another stat showed that 60% of all goals are abandoned within six months of setting them. This happens year after year and, unless something changes, it will be no different this year and these goals (maybe some of the same ones from last year??).
Where are you at? What have you changed to make sure you are on track this year? If you fall into statistics, you have likely forgot about more than half of the goals you have set.
Here is the good news – you can still do it. You can still achieve what you set out to do. Today, stop and reassess where you are and how you are going to complete each one of those goals. Then, get after it.
You can do it, but something has to change. Really, nothing changes until something changes.