Don’t take our word for it. Read what past and current clients have to say.
I do want to take the time to tell you how much we appreciate you and all you have done for us in regards to helping us steward the Lord's money well! We would not be in a place we are today without your help! The Lord is faithful and it is amazing to see how free we can live and how we are able to freely give to others because of the Lords blessings!
We have no debt, our emergency fund is full, savings alocations is full, we are giving like never before and we aren't living pay check to pay check! 2014 client (rec'd 2020)
Forgive us for not reaching out or staying in touch. You may not even remember us... we came to you nearly 5 years ago, just as our marriage was upended and our finances were out of control. We came to you for the first time about a month before we moved from our home in GA and moved to NY. You gave us some real gold in the financial advice you shared with us. To this day, we STILL use your system, in fact, we still use the same spreadsheet every two weeks to work out our budget. It hasn’t always been easy, but we’ve always been determined to make it work.
Fast forward 5 years, and our marriage, as well as our finances, are the best they’ve ever been. We’ve started paying down a ton of our debt and are excited to report that the only consumer debt we have remains in paying off a nasty credit card bill, (years after the damage was done). We’re only months away from that being paid off. Additionally, our car loan is only 7 months from being paid off as well. We’re saving as best we can and that has been helpful in the season that we’re now in.
Back in 2017, I was able to step out in faith and start working for myself. As I think back on that decision, I remember how nervously excited I was. We were able to create a plan, save for that plan, and then put the plan into practice, all thanks to the tools that you taught us. It’s been almost three years and I’m now a co-owner in a small business (LLC), living my best life. It’s certainly not without its issues, and as we’re still living in the NYC area, there are constantly challenges that keep us on our toes. But now that we’ve totally overhauled how we work within our budget and live below our means (which is REALLY hard in NY!), we’re able to live comfortable lives, even in this season of disruptive uncertainty. My children are thriving and my wife has also started realizing her professional dream and will, hopefully sooner than later, begin working full time in her calling.
Anyway, I just wanted to send a simple “thank you” your way. You seriously helped save our marriage and our dreams. I can’t imagine being where we are today, financially and proverbially, if we hadn’t put in this hard work. So, thanks. Thanks for helping us out and for continuing to help us out. 2015 Client (rec'd 2020)
I just wanted to say thank you for our time with you as our financial coach. Seeing now how the economy has shifted, we are SO glad we were able to begin getting our financial house in order before all this happened. Your work with us was very very helpful and worth every penny. We are able to sleep easier BC of it. - 2017 Client (rec'd 2020 (pandemic))
Hey Coach! Been thinking about you and thanking God for you!!!!!!!!!! You have been such a huge blessing for us - never would have thought that (my industry) would take an ever bigger hit than 9/11 did - yet here we are...and before you I'd be in hysterics! I'm happy to say that I've not shed a tear's coming...but not because of financial stress ;) - 2020 current(longterm) Client (rec'd 2020 (pandemic))
When I first met with Parkey Thompson, I lacked the focus and skills to manage my finances well. I was only falling further behind. Through coaching with Financial Focus, I gained a clear plan for managing my finances and built the habits to stay on top of our finances.
Seven years later, our family has no debt, we are maxing out our retirement accounts each year, have a 4-month emergency fund in savings, have paid off our house, and are able to give about 20% of our income. When you have a coach, you can develop the clarity and habits to make serious progress in your finances. - 2012 Client (submitted 2020)
Parkey, thank you for your guidance and support. You certainly kept me focused on reaching my goal of becoming debt free. You knew what I needed to do to get there and you gently guided me in the right direction. I want to thank you for that because it allowed me to make changes that were comfortable for me. I truly enjoyed having you as my accountability partner, and I will sincerely miss our coaching sessions. - 2019 - Client
I wanted to thank you for all your help and encouragement over the past few years. At present time, with the exception of a car payment, we are DEBT FREE! We have about $10,000 in an emergency savings account and the Lord has been very gracious! Honestly, honestly, there is NO WAY we could have ever done it without your help and encouragement! THANK YOU!! Thank you for what you do to help people. I never thought it would be remotely possible to loose all the debt we had, but boy was I wrong. “With God all things are possible.” 2019 - Client
Great, thanks so much Parkey! I appreciate all of the time and guidance you have shared over the years as I faced the challenges of debt and managing a budget. I am thankful (my new husband) connected us through (former client) and that we worked with you in preparation for our marriage. It is a blessing to feel more financially secure and your coaching was essential in my personal growth.
2018 - client
I wanted to thank you for all that you did to encourage us toward fiscal responsibility. Your help came at an absolutely critical time. We are still struggling with the numbers but, for maybe the first time in almost forty years, we seem to be working together.
I cannot thank you enough!
2017 Client
My, how time flies! It has been a year in deed and I feel like I have accomplished a lot in 12 months thanks to you. My financial stability has changed for the better and I feel more confident about my financial decisions. I hadn’t thought about it until I sat down to write you a quick note; but, I have increased my wealth by 49% in one year since receiving financial coaching from you. Thank you! Thank you! - 2016 Client
(My husband) and I would like to not only thank you for your financial advice, but share our success with you as well.
Since we talked with you last, we put to practice not only living according to our budget, having a substantial savings account, but also paying off my $40,000.00 school debt in just 20 weeks. We have just 4 weeks before we have completely paid it off.
Also, we have both added $6,500.00 toward our retirement. 😊😊
In 4 weeks we will be investing that $2,000.00 we put toward paying off debt toward building our retirement. Our goal is $300,000 in just years and watching it compound into a more secure future for us.
Thank you very much for guiding us.
2015/2016 Client
"....Really happy to be getting rid of this debt! Last January, my student loan debt was $36,073. Today $16,571. I could not have made it this far without you!!" 2017 - Current Client
It occurred to me this morning that even though our savings is considered the lowest in a long time, selling the condo and paying off the car made us the "richest" we have been in over 10 years! Focusing on the positive!
Thanks for all you do to help us stay intentional!! 2016 - Current Client
Thank you for everything. I was lost before I meet you. By using your method and techniques, I am on my way to getting out of debt. Thank you again. - 2016 Client
Hi Parkey, I just want to thank you SOOOOO much for getting (my husband) and I on a plan. I know it is only 2 weeks in but I can see a huge difference already. Intentional Living at its best.:) - 2016 Client
“Parkey is not only a financial guy, he's a "get your life on track" guy. So happy I called him.” - 2016 Client
Before going to Parkey, I didn't know how to make a budget or how to best manage my finances. Through his coaching and advice, my wife and I have been able to take financial principles and work at taking care of our debt, build an emergency savings, be faithful with our finances, and have harmony in our family. Thank you, Parkey, for your care and investment in our lives! I highly recommend anyone and everyone go to him for financial coaching!
2014 Client
2015 Pre-Marital Client
Hey Parkey. Just wanted to send out a note of gratitude. (I was going to mention my debt to you but I think that would be counter to the purpose here.)
In March of 2011 I met with you for the first time. I was getting divorced and taking on over $60k in debt while also paying child support and alimony. I had no idea how to balance a check book let alone take on these financial complications, pay for housing expenses for myself and my two children and find a way to financial sanity. Much as I needed a sponsor in my 12 step recovery you become my financial sponsor. You introduced me to financial sanity and helped me plot a course there. I learned how to be responsible and disciplined, not traits that come naturally to me. There was a lot of beans and rice at first but it was well worth it.
This past Saturday morning I paid off the final portion of my last credit card debt. Three 401k loans, two maxed out credit cards and a car payment retired while alimony payments were made and child support was covered and then increased on my own initiative because financial sanity allowed me to do more. I just wanted to let you know that I still promote you to any who will listen and am so grateful for what you taught me.
I hope things go as well for you as you've helped them go for me. Print this out and put it on the wall so folks can see what a tremendous service you offer!
C.W.(2015 email rec'd from 2011 client)
"Not sure if you remember (my wife) and I. We did your program a few years back. I got a job in Alabama and we moved to Mobile. We just finished paying off our credit card debt. Took 4.5 years, but 33,000 dollars of debt is gone thanks to your program. Thank you for helping us change our life's. Keep it up.
2011 Coaching Client (2014 report)
Financial Focus coaching has helped me tremendously since the economic downturn. My business revolved around real estate and even though we were starting to create new ways of revenue, Parkey helped in getting us organized with a serious inventory of where we stood. He helped in making me focus on decisions for a budget on business, personal spending and paying off debt. The monthly reviews are invaluable to have someone to discuss sensitive business issues who will keep your information confidential. In just three years, I’ve been able to whittle down half of an enormous 100K of debt from credit cards, loans, and have totally eliminated borrowing money to keep the business going. I would recommend Financial Focus to anyone… who wants to “Take the Wheel” and “Turn Around your Financial Path” for the Good!!!
Small Business Client - 2013
Financial focus has given us freedom with our finances!!! By having a plan in place each month, we know where every dollar is going and we are able to be good stewards of our money. Since beginning the program in July, we have paid off all our debt (around $5,000) and have started building up our savings "emergency fund"...We have also been blessed to budget in a wonderful anniversary trip to New York and have extra money to enjoy life with! We are living like no one else today, so that we can live like no one else in the future. We are so blessed to have stumbled upon Financial Focus and we keep this plan in place for our lifetime! 2013 Client
When the student is ready Parkey Thompson is a great teacher, has a great program, and plan that works! You have to want it and be willing to make a few mistakes and he will help you stay focused on the goal to becoming debt free. Great investment of our time and resources. We recouped our investment in two months, we have paid off a lot of our debt and do not use credit cards period. We now have a nice emergency fund in the bank. Thank You Parkey. J & P, 2013 Client
Before joining the program, I thought I was doing pretty well financially. I didn't have any debt. Everything was paid off. But I had no clue where my money was really going every month. Financial Focus helped me become purposeful in my spending, saving, and giving. I learned to prioritize and anticipate. Because I instituted these financial safeguards, I was able to survive being without a job for 6 months. Even now that I have work again, I am still practicing the same financial principles.
Coaching Client - 2012
Before we lived paycheck to paycheck and never really had a plan. After sitting down together(with Financial Focus) and going over our monthly expense we realized that we were not living on a budget. One thing that we realized when we sat down was that we spent way to much money and time at the grocery store. Once we saw that and made a menu for two weeks at a time I made the list and then went and came out with money in the end of the shopping trip. We paid off things a lot faster and have the best feeling in the world knowing that we are on our way to living debt free and with a plan.
Coaching and Accountability Client - 2012 & 2013
I just wanted to pass along that we now have 5 of our Debts TOTALLY paid off. We're getting ready to attack the largest portions of our Debt. We are so VERY excited that we have been focused and want to thank you for keeping us on task. You have really been a blessing to us! By the end of April we should have only 4-5 debts left. That light at the end of the debt free tunnel sure is getting brighter and brighter for us.
Words can't even begin to tell you how relieved we are that we didn't do something as stupid as file bankruptcy. Thank you for giving us hope that we could kick this debt in the rear!!!
Coaching Client - 2013
"Thank you for your guidance and support on my financial journey. For making it clear and opening my finances easier to work with and being in control - and not letting money control me!...."
-Coaching Client - 2012
"You are awsome! We appreciate what you are doing for our family. We were so out of control when we first met. I am just starting to get back on my feet and gaining more and more confidence in building a plan each month.!"
-Coaching Client - 2011
"I am so grateful that I've decided to partner with your business to help me w/ my finances. I already fell empowered!"
-Coaching Client - 2010/2011
"Thank you so much for meeting with us. You are definitely a great coach. We left feeling like we could do this getting out of debt thing. We felt encouraged by your testimony. We have a meal plan and are going to include our children in the process. Thanks for your ideas."
-Coaching Client - 2010
"Thank you for meeting with me to discuss my student loans and my financial future. The meeting was exactly what I needed to jump start my career search. I appreciate your time and fresh perspective!"
-Coaching Client - 2011
"Parkey helped my wife and I tremendously. We gave him all our financial details and he helped us address what monthly expenses were too high/unnecessary. He then discussed a budget that we should work to. Things like paying down credit items were big on his agenda and he structured a way for us to do this within our means. We worked the 6 month unlimited plan and found that this worked for us. We met with Parkey many times and he was very responsive to either phone calls and e-mails. We recommend him highly. If you put your trust in him and work diligently to his suggested budget, you should benefit greatly from his guidance."
-Coaching Client - 2009
"I just want to drop you a short note and let you know we have now paid off all of our credit card debt! YEAH!! $39k since August 2007. Now we are working on the cars. We are very excited to get those nasty bills out of our lives! [My husband] is suddenly far more excited about our finances. He has been doing great."
-Coaching Client - 2010
"I just have to tell you what a difference Focusing on my Finances has made. My husband and I are finally completely aware of our money and are managing it together. We have been married for nearly 18 years and it feels incredible that we are sharing this job and it is NO LONGER a burden. We are almost debt free and we finally have the skills to stay that way. We are following the plan and we are so grateful for the one on one coaching we walked through with you. Thank you Parkey!! Today we did our books from April and set the budget up for May. This has gotten easier every month!"
-Coaching Client - 2010
"Since I am about to graduate college I realized that I needed to get my finances in place so I could be a good steward with God's money. Financial Focus was able to provide me with the road map and tools to reach my ultimate destination....being debt free!!!!"
-Micah F.
"The biggest thing for me was it kind of felt like group therapy. Having others who are so close to being debt free and knowing it really works. I also enjoyed learning more about investing because that is one area that I have very little knowledge in."
-Frank H.
"Thank you for allowing me to attend your workshop. As we discussed my financial journey started approx 9 years go and is under way. Attending your class not only made me realize the things my family are doing are a positive financially, but a positive spiritually. Becoming debt free has brought my relationship so much closer to Christ. I wish we would have known about Financial Focus when we started. It would have made the ride a little easier (and quicker)!. I will tell as many people about your program. I hope and pray your customer base out grows your business. Not only for you, but for the customer. It will change their lives forever."
-Chris M.
"We're truly excited about our future, now that we have some hope that we can get out of the quagmire we've been in, and you are instrumental in making that happen!" - 2007
"I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for all you have done for us. Your professionalism and sincerity has impressed us beyond measure. You were kind and consistent. You followed up with the creditor and you stayed in constant communication with us throughout the process. We are looking forward to our continued work together as we gain a clear picture of our finances. We are confident that this year, 2010, is going to be full of goals, objectives and FINANCIAL FOCUS for our family and we thank you for providing the vision!"
-Credit Collection Negotiated Settlement Client - 2010
"I want to share my appreciation for the tremendous work that you have done to improve my debt situation. You not only saved me money but also helped my relationship with my significant other. My debt situation has been a significant hurdle for us moving forward and your help has made it that much more possible. And that menas more to me than any amount in the world. Thnaks again for negotiating with the debt collectors on my behalf."
-Credit Collection Negotiated Settlement Client - 2010